Welcome to the new Home of Clan McSetana. We are a small, but growing
group of Celts in North Texas. We qre trying to live by the old Brehon laws of the
Celts and fit them to the modern world. No, we do not want to live in
huts and avoid all modern conviences.
We chose our clan name because of personal relations with Goddesses that had and influence on
or were involved with Cu Cuchllain
We are pre-christian. We follow the old Gods and Goddesses. We will not
convert. We will not change. We will not be destroyed by internal fighting.
The internecine warfare that destroyed the ancient Celt culture will be avoided.
We support the Fianna as it is currently established in North America.
For more information, follow the links below.
As we grow in knowledge and skill, we are better able to establish the life style
we desire. We function as bards, healers and soem are warriors. We wish to
pass to our children and their children a better place than we received.
Nine Blessings